Dragi membri ai South East European Sport Journalists Association
Dragi sportivi din Europa si din intreaga lume,
In fiecare an, pe 2 iulie, noi sarbatorim ziua mondiala a jurnalistilor sportivi. Este totodata un moment in care merita sa ne amintim ca acum 91 de ani, la Paris, se infiinta AIPS.
Pentru noi, cei din SEESJA, este pentru prima data cind putem sa ne felicitam de ziua noastra. Suntem o organizatie tinara, dar nu si neexperimentata. Toti membrii nostri stiu ce inseamna jurnalismul sportiv, ce onoare si ce privilegiu e sa fii membru AIPS. In plus, cu toti stim cit de frumos e sa fii jurnalist sportiv.
Totusi, in aceste vremuri nu doar suntem mindri ca suntem jurnalisti sportivi, ci si ingrijorati. Mai exact, prietenii nostri jurnalisti din Grecia se confrunta la nivelul tarii si la nivel individual cu o situatie care devine tot mai ingrijoratoare. Profit de aceasta ocazie sa trimit citeva cuvinte de incurajare. In numele meu si al SEESJA sper ca actuala criza sa se rezolve in cel mai bun mod cu putinta. Noi nu putem nici sa oferim, nici sa impunem solutii, dar trebuie sa ne exprimam ingrijorarea cu privire la situatia din Grecia si, totodata, sa ne aratam sprijinul pt colegii nostri greci.
Cind am infiintat SEESJA anul trecut in Ohrid stiam ca jurnalismul sportiv, ca si viata de altfel, nu inseamna doar lapte si miere. Stiam ca problemele cu care ne confruntam nu sunt usoare si de aceea am si decis sa facem front comun. Din acest motiv am decis sa infiintam asociatia noastra, de aceea exista. Si de aceea suntem puternici.
Permiteti-mi sa felicit toti jurnalistii sportivi membri ai SEESJA, cu ocazia Zilei lor Mondiale, dar si pe cei din toate tarii lumii, indiferent ca sunt sau nu membri ai asociatiilor nationale.
Nikola Lipovac, president of SEESJA
Dear SEESJA members,
Dear sports journalists throughout Europe and world,
Each year we celebrate 2nd of July, World Sports Journalists Day. It’s
also a reminder for us to pay tribute to the establishment of AIPS, 91
years ago in Paris.
For us in SEESJA this is the first time that we can congratulate our
Day to each other. We are young, but not inexpirienced association.
All our members are very well aware of what sports journalism is, what
honour and privilege is to be a member of AIPS. What is more, we are
aware of the fact how nice it is to be a sports journalist!
However, these days we are not only proud to call ourselves sports
journalists, but we are also deeply concerned. Namely, our colleagues
in Greece are experiencing one of the worst scenarios for their
country and its citizens, and thus also for their journalists and
media workers! I take this oportunity to refer the words of support to
our Greek colleagues. On behalf of all of us in SEESJA I hope that
current crisis will be solved in best possible way. We can’t and we
should’t inflict solutions, but we must express concern about
situation in Greece and we can give support to our Greek colleagues.
When we founded SEESJA, last year in Ohrid, we knew that sports
journalism, just like life, is not milk and honey. We knew that
problems that we have can be dealt with easier if we stand together.
Because of that we created our association, because of that we exist.
And because of that we are strong.
Allow me to congratulate World Sports Journalists Day to sports
journalists in all members of SEESJA, but also in all countries of the
world, whether they are, or aren’t, members of their nacional
Nikola Lipovac, president of SEESJA