APS felicită Uniunea Presei Sportive din Coreea de Sud

Asociația Presei Sportive din România, prin președintele Dumitru Graur, a felicitat Uniunea Presei Sportive din Coreea de Sud pentru succesul repurtat de Comitetul Olimpic de la Seul în cursa pentru atribuirea organizării Jocurilor Olimpice de iarnă din 2018.


“Attention Mr. Ohsang KWON – President of Korea Sports Press Union 

Dear Mr. President,
On behalf of Romanian Sports Press Association, I wish to congratulate you and the Korean Olympic Committee for winning the bid for the Winter Olympics Games 2018.    
I remember very well our trip to PyeongChang, when we met in Seoul, for the 74-th AIPS Congress, and I can say now that it was not only the dream of your country for exposing new generations to winter sports, but it was evident that PyeongChang’s bid had indeed matured over years as it had developed a compact plan for the games with tangible structures and venues. Your efforts, that we could see in the trip I have mentioned before, the impressive development from a decade ago when the bid was largely on paper, these were decisive for the big success of the Korean city, the Korean Olympic Committee, as well as for the Korea Sports Press Union. 
Let me congratulate you for your persevering attitude and to wish to have big success in organization the Winter Olympic Games 2018. With friendship,      
Dumitru Graur
President of Romanian Sports Press Association”